
Our Art Intent

At Kippax North we are “Digging Deep, Aiming High” with Art and Design, delivering a curriculum which provides children with the opportunities to express themselves creatively, grow a love of art, and develop the knowledge and skills required to become artists.

Our 6 values underpin the delivery of our curriculum:

Resilience – the children build upon previous skills and knowledge, and are given low stakes opportunities to experiment and be creative. We also take the time to evaluate our own work and think about how we can develop our art.

Integrity – children take responsibility for their own work, and are given time to evaluate and think about how to develop their art.. Sketchbooks show our journey through a unit and reflect how we have developed and honed our skills.

Equality – art is accessible to all children of all abilities, and we celebrate each other’s successes. We engage with art from diverse cultures and communities.

Individuality – the children are given opportunities to inspire, empower, and nurture their own talents and interests. We understand how art is relevant to us and can help us to express ourselves creatively and engage in a discussion about the world around us.

Kindness – the children are taught to value and celebrate diversity and differences, and that each of us have differing viewpoints on how art “speaks to us”. 

Pride – the children give their best effort at all times throughout the creative process and take pride in showcasing their artwork.

Our Art Implementation:

Based on the National Curriculum, our Art and Design units begin with a study of a diverse range of artists and cultures, and the skills and knowledge within the unit are inspired by this. Our art curriculum shows progression across all key stages, from Foundation One up to Year Six.  Through their time at Kippax North, children will study a diverse range of artists and cultures as well as the work of local artists. We want our children to see themselves as artists and to encourage their creative aspirations.  Art and Design units take children on a journey that aims to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they require to experiment, invent and create their own works of art.

Our pupils use sketchbooks to show their own perspective through observation, experimentation and illustration. A wide variety of media are used to encourage creativity and imagination and nurture interests. Manipulative skills are developed as well as an awareness of colour, texture, design and dimension. We encourage pupils to use the correct vocabulary when evaluating and describing the key elements of art so that they are able to think critically and develop their skills. This also encourages a more rigorous understanding of how art reflects and shapes the history, culture and wealth of the world around us.

100 Books to Read