Code of Behaviour

Here are our curricular plans for each class. This year we are currently on cycle B.

At Kippax North, pupils’ behaviour is excellent; it is a source of great pride and key to our strong reputation within the community. Our school vision of “Digging deep, Aiming High” underpins our high expectations of pupil conduct and ensures it is maintained in every classroom across school. We consistently focus on positive messages and whilst we have a number of rewards and systems for the recognition of excellent behaviour, our primary driver is intrinsic motivation, which we reinforce through our 6 core values;

Individuality, Kindness, Pride, Resilience, Integrity and Equality

Children are encouraged to consider the consequences of their actions, to understand that rights and responsibilities go hand-in-hand, and to make the right choices about how they behave. Much emphasis is placed on helping and co-operating with each other. Older pupils are expected to encourage and support the younger children, and to set a good example by their own behaviour and we have a number of UKS2 pupils in leadership roles which facilitate this.

All adults are excellent role models who demonstrate our values in action and make them explicit so that children have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. We have established “What to dos” and whole-school “silent signals” for consistency and to ensure no learning time is lost.

We do not tolerate rudeness, aggression or bullying from anyone in school.  Where behaviour occasionally may fall short of our high expectation, we have a clear reminder system to support children to make good choice.  Our 3 school rules are simple, yet all-encompassing:

  • Follow instructions
  • Use positive language
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

It is important that home and school work together to achieve our aims. Every school needs to have some rules and to make sure that they are followed if children are to be safe and have good opportunities for learning. Our Learning Mentor supports families where required and we work closely with external agencies, including the Cluster team, to meet the needs of our community.

Please see below for our behaviour documentation.

Term dates 2024-25

Holiday Dates

Term Dates

Autumn Term 1

Monday 2nd Sept to
Friday 25th Oct

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Monday 24th Feb to
Thursday 4th Apr

Monday 6th Jan to
Friday 14th Feb

Monday 4th Nov to
Friday 20th Dec

Tuesday 22nd Apr to
Friday 23rd May

Spring Term 2

Christmas Holidays

Monday 23rd Dec to
Friday 3rd Jan

Half Term

Monday 28th Oct to
Friday 1st Nov

Half Term

Monday 17th Feb to
Friday 21st Feb

Summer Term 1

Easter Holidays

Monday 7th Apr to
Monday 21st Apr

Summer Term 2

Half Term

Monday 26th May to
Friday 30th May

Summer Holidays

Monday 21st July to
Friday 29th Aug

Monday 2nd June to
Friday 18th July

Important dates for your diary




Mar 14

12:00 am


Training Day
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




Apr 21

12:00 am


Bank Holiday
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




May 5

2:31 pm


Bank Holiday
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




Jun 27

12:00 am


Training Day
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP