
Here are our curricular plans for each class. This year we are currently on cycle B.

At Kippax North, our mission is to provide a transformative cradle-to-career education that allows our children to enjoy lives of choice and opportunity.

Children who read or are read to regularly have the opportunity to open the doors to so many different worlds!

More importantly, reading will give your child the tools to become an independent, lifelong learner.

We develop early readers by:

  • Using Read Write Inc, a programme to help to your child read at school
  • Encouraging children to develop a love of books by reading to them daily, at home and at school
  • Giving children access to a wide range of books at school and at home

At Kippax North, we use Read Write Inc Phonics (RWI) to give your child the best possible start with their English development. Our phonics lead is Mr A. Womersley.

What is Read Write Inc?

Read Write Inc (RWI) is a complete phonics literacy programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling. The programme is designed for children aged 4-7. However, at Kippax North Primary School, we begin the programme in Nursery and will continue teaching RWI to children beyond the age of 7, as we use a stage, not age, approach.

RWI was developed by Ruth Miskin, and more information on this can be found here.

We have been working closely with the Jerry Clay Academy, funded by the Department for Education to support schools in achieving excellence in teaching reading and early language development. We started our journey and staff training for Read Write Inc during the Summer Term of 2021. This was a vital process to ensure that our delivery today is the best it can be!

Mr A. Womersley is our Read Write Inc lead t

Extra-Curricular Activities

Enrichment Friday 1.30-2.30pm

All pupils are able to choose the activity that they want to explore further.

On a Friday afternoon, we offer a range of enrichment activities:

  • Exploring Culture
  • Clay modelling
  • Painting
  • Performing arts
  • Music
  • Habitat building
  • Sewing
  • Cooking

After School Clubs

We have a wide range of after-school clubs. The clubs will start after school and finish at 4.15pm.

We are fundraising for new lunchtime play equipment so will be charging £1 per week for every child attending a club.

Please contact the office if you would like your child to join any of the after-school clubs.


Choir for all classes


Technology Club for Tiger and Elephant classes

Multi Games for Penguins, led by Premier Sports


Art Club for Tiger and Elephant Classes

Football Club for Lion Class


Multi Games for Lion and Turtle Class, led by Leeds United

Cheer Leading for Lion and Turtle Class

Multi Games for Elephant Class led by Premier Sports

School Meals & Milk

Children may either eat a dinner provided by Catering Services which conforms to recommended nutritional standards, or they may bring a packed lunch. Children will be offered water or fruit juice to drink. For special diets and vegetarian meals please make enquiries at the school.

Children in Snow Leopard Class and Northern Hemisphere are entitled to a free school meal every day.

Whether they have a school dinner or a packed lunch, we encourage children to eat all their food as we are working hard to prevent waste and teach children about the importance of sustainability (not to mention the importance of a healthy diet!). You can view Swillington Primary’s School Food policy on the Policies and Procedures page.

Helpful Documents

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Term dates 2024-25

Holiday Dates

Term Dates

Autumn Term 1

Monday 2nd Sept to
Friday 25th Oct

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Monday 24th Feb to
Thursday 4th Apr

Monday 6th Jan to
Friday 14th Feb

Monday 4th Nov to
Friday 20th Dec

Tuesday 22nd Apr to
Friday 23rd May

Spring Term 2

Christmas Holidays

Monday 23rd Dec to
Friday 3rd Jan

Half Term

Monday 28th Oct to
Friday 1st Nov

Half Term

Monday 17th Feb to
Friday 21st Feb

Summer Term 1

Easter Holidays

Monday 7th Apr to
Monday 21st Apr

Summer Term 2

Half Term

Monday 26th May to
Friday 30th May

Summer Holidays

Monday 21st July to
Friday 29th Aug

Monday 2nd June to
Friday 18th July

Important dates for your diary




Mar 14

12:00 am


Training Day
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




Apr 21

12:00 am


Bank Holiday
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




May 5

2:31 pm


Bank Holiday
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




Jun 27

12:00 am


Training Day
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP