Year 6

Year 6

Helpful information for parents

PE takes place on Thursdays. Please can children in Year 6 come to school dressed appropriately - PE kit, suitable footwear etc.

Here are some websites that you and your child may find helpful.

BBC Bitesize-


White Rose Maths-

The School Run-

How parents can help at home

Spellings – Help your children to practise and learn their Rainbow spellings. Encourage your child to use new vocabulary in conversation as this will help their writing. These will be tested weekly. Children need to get all of them correct three times before moving on.

Reading Home learning - Reading with an adult is critical to your child’s Reading progress. Try to read with your child as often as you can, ideally daily. Ask questions about their reading and develop their answers into discussion about the text.

Reading books are changed on Tuesdays. Please ensure they are in school on that day to help with this.

Studyladder tasks are assigned weekly. If your child has been unable to complete the tasks, then they can attend Home Learning Club on Thursday lunchtimes. Please help your child at home by supporting time to use Studyladder where it is quiet so they can stay focused.

Helpful documents

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In Year 6 at Kippax North, we are the oldest children in school and we take this seriously. We are role models to others, we take on responsibility roles to help our whole school community, and we push ourselves in this, our final year at Kippax North, to prepare for high school. We enjoy the challenges of learning and we support one another to Aim High and reach our true potential.

What we're learning

In the Summer term, some of the areas that we will focus our learning on include The Second World War, Electricity, South America and Animals (including Humans).

Adults in our class

Class Lead

Mr Womersley

Mrs Fenna

Support staff

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Our class rules and rewards

Extraordinary effort and/or attitude is rewarded with cobbles. These can either be single, double or treble awards. All cobbles are counted weekly and celebrated in our Friday assembly.

We recognise that our classroom environment is crucial to achieve success. We support each other by making positive behaviour choices that enable us all to do our best.