Year 4

Year 4

Helpful information for parents

Reading books are changed on a Friday and we expect children to be reading at least 5 times a week.

PE day is a Tuesday - please come to school in your PE kit.

Spelling test is on a Monday, however there may be an additional test on Thursdays. We aim for children to get 10/10 on a set before progressing to the next set.

Swimming takes place during the Summer Term for Year 4.

How parents can help at home

Spellings – Help your children to practise and learn their Rainbow spellings. Encourage your child to use new vocabulary in conversation as this will help their writing. These will be tested weekly - on a Thursday.  We aim for children to get 10/10 on a set before progressing to the next set.

Help your children to practise and learn their Rainbow spellings. . These will be tested weekly - on a Monday.

Reading at home - Reading with an adult is important to your child’s reading progress. Try to read with your child as often as you can, ideally daily. (5 times a week). Ask questions about their reading and develop their answers into discussion about the text.

Studyladder tasks are assigned weekly. If your child has been unable to complete the tasks, then they can attend Home Learning Club on Thursday lunchtimes. Please help your child at home by supporting time to use Studyladder where it is quiet so they can stay focused

You may find some of these websites useful to support your child:

• Topmarks maths-games

• DK findout

• Bitesize

ICT Games

Report a problem online to school staff.

Helpful documents

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In Year 4 we aim to respect our world, always be kind, thoughtful and thankful, always respect others and strive to be determined, responsible and resilient and have fun when learning

What we're learning

This half term we are learning about the following:

Science: Sound

Art: Holbein-Royalty

Geography: Earthquakes/volcanoes

Computing: Coding

DT: Paper Circuits

Adults in our class

Class Lead

Mr Edwards

Support staff

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Our class rules and rewards

Our class rules are developed at the beginning of the school year by our children and this year they are:

Always be respectful.

Put your hand up if you want to speak.

Always use your indoor voice when inside.

Be kind always.

Give eye contact to the person that is talking.

In addition we can earn cobbles for our SEAM, these can either be single, double or treble and are given for extraordinary effort or attitude. All cobbles are counted weekly and celebrated in our Friday assembly.