Foundation 2

Foundation 2

Helpful information for parents

Reading books are changed once a week.  Please ensure book bags are in school on Wednesday and new books will be sent out on Friday.

Children receive free milk (until the term they turn 5) and a piece of fruit everyday.  Please send in a named water bottle each day.

Due to the nature of our learning children do get very messy.  We take our learning outside in all weathers.  Please ensure children have a change of clothes, wellies and appropriate outer clothes for the weather.


PE takes place on Thursdays.  To encourage independence children change at school.  The need a simple white t.shirt and blue shorts for their PE kit

How parents can help at home

Children learn best when they feel safe and valued.  Please talk to a member of staff if there are any changes or events that happen outside of school that may affect your child.  We have an open door policy and will always find time to talk and support you.

Value children's play.  Learning through play underpins everything we do in F2.  Play based learning motivates and interests children. Keep home learning playful and fun.

Children are asked to concentrate for a little longer in F2.  Build on concentration skills for short periods of time.  Remember to make it fun through listening games, puzzles and stories.

Encourage children to subitise, count, recognise and order numerals.  Point out basic shapes in the environment.  Share simple everyday maths problems.

Read, read, read! Anything and everything! Talk about illustrations, look for familiar letters, ask questions about the story and talk about unfamiliar vocabulary.  Learn how to pronounce the letter sounds correctly.  Share songs and nursery rhymes.

Develop fine motor skills in preparation for writing by encouraging the children to be independent when dressing.  Support with playdough, lego and threading activities.

Talk to you children about their learning- don't be disheartened if at first they are reluctant.  A quick look on the class blog will give you an overview of what is happening in class each week

You may find some of these websites useful to support your child:

Helpful documents

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Hello and a very warm welcome to F2.  In F2 we aim to make learning fun through lots of exciting, imaginative hands-on experiences.  We all work hard and there are no boundaries in F2.  We strive to be the best we can be.  We are friendly, caring and respectful to each other, our environment and the world around us.

What we're learning

This half term we will be learning about the changes that happen in Spring.  We will also be investigating growth in plants, animals and humans.  We will be celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III.  Our core texts will be The Very Hungry caterpillar and Jack and the Beanstalk

Adults in our class

Class Lead

Mrs Fox

Support staff

Mrs Firth

Mrs Hill

Our class rules and rewards

Praise is an integral part of our day. Staff constantly use positive verbal reinforcement.

Our rules are very simple, designed to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort, and we word them in a very positive way

  • Walking indoors
  • Quiet, indoor voices
  • Kind hands, feet and words

F2 has a reward system where stars are given for going above and beyond everyday expectations.  This may be for being kind, supporting other, using their manners or giving extra effort to a challenging task.  The stars are displayed on our star tree.  At the end of each half term the child with the most stars chooses a reward for the whole class